Tag: divorce

Posts related to divorce

No secret has been made in mass media or public circles of the skyrocketing rate of divorce across the western world in the latter part of the 20th century. “50% of marriages end in divorce” may be the most widely quoted (and misquoted) statistic in all of the public discourse we hear. But there must be more to divorce than mere headlines can reveal. This article investigates divorce in a more nuanced and analytical fashion to reveal interesting facts that may offer clues in our attempts to understand the future trajectory of divorce and devise measures to reverse the increases.

The advantages at an individual and societal level are abundantly clear and there is a true consensus across political parties that we must do more to help keep marriages from falling apart. However, the proposed strategies for achieving this are as disparate as the voices from which they emerge. By examining the historical data behind [...]

The Importance of Two Parent Households — Examining The Evidence

Science-Based Analysis of Two Parent and Single Parent Households

Old wisdom existed in many forms but no traditional societal institution has been more cherished and valued across the world than marriage. For thousands of years, marriage was upheld as a non-negotiable legal, religious, and social contract necessary for the recognition of romantic relationships between men and women.

At its roots, marriage is a means of enfranchisement. Lifelong monogamy gives the largest possible share of both men and women a stake in the future prosperity of their communities. Having children gives a father and mother a profound reason to invest in tomorrow — knowing that their legacy will continue for generation(s) to come.

It has also been known for millennia that children need two parents to maximize their chances of flourishing socially and economically. A combination of strong female and male role models help give children a variety and depth in their experiences with adults.


Evidence playing catchup


As with many ancient rites, [...]

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